Sunday, February 13, 2011

Your Favorite Art Course

As creative as I am there is something inside of me that likes to be told what to do every now and then.  Maybe its the school girl in me who put far too much effort into her assignments, she always loved a challenge to gather information and present it in new ways.

So I would like to spend some time this year doing an Art course thru blog land, I dont even know if they are called art courses??? Im so sure there is a real word for it?? ummm.. Im thinking more like a weekly course rather than every day, time revolves around a two year old here!

The golden glow of summer is here but Ive sort of had enough of my own ideas for a while, I want to be given a prompt and join in something special with other people...

I want to see how our perceptions differ...

Can you tell me of your favorite art courses going on that you think I would like.  I know so many of you out there are loving the experience of shared visions...

I feel right now that I need to be a part of that too.
I must be craving some companions, the country can get ever so lonely sometimes...
or just to connect with others feeling the same things as me as far as art goes

All help will be appreciated
all inspiration treasured
you are all so wonderful

Is the heart of this sunflower in the shape of a heart???
Ohh the love that drips from a golden flower in summer.

theres some inspiration right there!

I think Im inspired to go eat some butter!


P.S. For those of you who dont recall the pit falls of summer, here is whats happening tonight

1. its so humid I may not be able to sleep
2. we cant open any windows because of mosquitos
3. there is a stow away cricket hiding under the kitchen bench and his jolly trilling is like a chainsaw in my ears!
and 4. my hot sweating child is bound for a bad sleep because she is sunburnt...bad parents : (

Haha got the cricket, dont worry insect lovers, he has been set free


  1. I am sure you will get heaps of recommendations! I am currently taking Tamara Laporte's class on Magical Mythical Makings. Pop along to Willowing.ning for information on her courses. You can buy old courses on DVD but then you don't get the cameraderie and feedback in the live discussion threads. Tan's courses tend to focus around Goddess type faces, whimsey - the type of art I like to paint. However, she hasn't mention when she'll be running her next course. You could join this one. Each week is a different topic. We are about to start mermaids which runs for two weeks because there's a lot of material. There's a great group of students all supporting each other.

    I can also highly recommend Amelia Critchlow's Experimental Art e-course. I thoroughly enjoyed this when I took it last Spring. She runs it quarterly with the next one starting April!!! Yesterday, in fact she organised a meet up in London for those that have taken her course (she has worldwide participants so for obvious reasons only a few of us could make it!). Had such a fab day out - pics on my blog.
    This course took me in all sorts of different directions and made me really think and sometimes not think - just let go! It was excellent.
    Here's the link to Amelia's course
    and her blog

    Hope this helps!!

  2. Dear Sheree, I can't help with any courses, but I do so understand where you're coming from. I love doing what I'm doing, but sometimes it's very lonely, and I miss the times in the past when I was studying (art and theatre both marvelous fun) and was part of a creative group. Laughter and ideas bouncing off each other, new ideas being born, new inspiration, and just the company of people who understand, I miss it so much. Funny though, I have this feeling that it might be something I could find when I move TO the country, the suburbs seem so sterile sometimes. Who knows. And reading this post by Terri Windling made me such rather a lot for a similar group of friends!

  3. OOps, that was supposed to be 'SIGH rather a lot"!

  4. hi! i reccomend you all suzi blu's art courses! she is fantastic teacher but most of all very capable of encouranging the students! she has so much positive energy...
    also wyanne's mixed media with the girls is very good!

  5. I have't taken any art courses online but I do follow along in tutorials/prompts from time to time. I love Misty Mawn and wish I could afford to take her online art classes. I also love Teesha Moore and she has many art technique tutorials on YouTube. Then there is Carmen Tobias. You can google all of these names and find their wonderful sites. Oh and Jodi Ohl too. She does wonderful online art classes and her artwork is fabulous. Fun and cheerful and lively.
    It has been cold and wintry here for the past month and the past two weeks in a row dumped mush snow on us. We are finally having some warmer days ahead with temps in the 40's and 450's. Dare I think spring is on the way? I loved your sunflower picks and yes I do think I seen a heart. Those pics warmed my heart.

  6. Hi Sheree, what gloriously beautiful sunflowers! There are so many art classes online - my goodness. I am also in Mythical, Magical, Makings. I love Tam's easy-going style. There is also Suzi Blu - who I just adore. Here are some FREE classes:
    I'll share more with you as I learn about them. :) They are good for the soul - plus, you can take them in your jammies!
    Sorry you are enduring a heatwave - we're finally getting more spring-like weather here. I can actually see patches of EARTH now!
    Take care, dear friend...
    xoxo Theresa

  7. Hi Sheree....I, too, have been contemplating classes....
    I've been looking around...listened to Tam, to Suzi, ordered an Academy of Art College catalog (way too expensive!) and read up on Wyanne. I've been wanting to join in the Creative Everyday prompts, too....this month was Passion...just couldn't get inspired by this....maybe next month?

    I haven't settled on anyone yet....maybe I'll jump on your bandwagon if you find something you like...haha! Maybe we could start our own themes or challenges and invite everyone else to play :)

    Love the sunflower in all its golden glory! ....and maybe try putting some aloe in the fridge for poor Indy :(

  8. Hi Sheree,

    There are so many challenge blogs out there which may spark your imagination with a certain theme. There's this feeling of coming together, too -- just a thought.


  9. I will provide a 'playfull' art course/workshop this summer, no 'scheduled days' but open for about 3 months with over 30 challenges/techniques/prompts/sketches... I'm still working on it, but if you like to keep up to date, go to my website (you can also read about the other workshops, but there are no dates planned for those yet)

  10. Do you know about the art retreat being held in Glenorchy this year? You can find the details at
    THe tutor is American artist Nina Bagley who does amazing mixed media jewellery and journals. Having a brief look at your art I'm sure you'll be very inspired by Nina's art. I was lucky enough to take a course by her a few years ago and she is a very sharing and wonderful teacher. Take a look at her blog "Ornamental"
    I hope this helps.


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